POM Wonderful es un ejemplo de lo fuerte que se esta promocionando, el consumo de los jugos de frutas y las mesclas de estos, más que por sus exoticos sabores, por sus propiedades y beneficios para la salud.
Pom Wonderful es todo-natural y tiene energía más antioxidante que cualquier otra bebida. Sí, más que vino rojo, té verde, jugo del arándano y el jugo de naranja.
· Los antioxidantes son extremadamente importantes porque guardan su cuerpo contra radicales libres, las moléculas que pueden causar el envejecimiento prematuro, enfermedad cardíaca, Alzheimer, incluso cáncer.
· Pom Wonderful viene en 5 sabores, granadas, mandarinas, cerezas, mangos y arándanos deliciosos.
Los Angeles Times August 14, 2006
It’s a Ripe Time for the Little Red Seed
“Drink it. Eat it. Slather it all over your body. There is no denying that the pomegranate, its fleshy burgundy bulb packed with juicy seeds, is one of the trendiest and most versatile fruits on the market…Unlike most fruit juices, drinking a commercial juice such as POM Wonderful is more healthful than eating the fruit itself, because 70% of the antioxidants found in the juice are released from the peel when the pomegranate is squeezed…A study released by UCLA in June indicates drinking a glass of pomegranate juice daily can help slow the spread of prostate cancer, allowing diagnosed men to live longer.”
Time Magazine September 11, 2006
Peddling the Pomegranate
“The pomegranate is hot. Although it's a challenge to eat the raw fruit without getting a mouthful of seeds and astringent pith, pomegranates are everywhere now in the form of juice, concentrates and extracts, all heavily promoted for better health. Much of the popularity is the work of a California-based company, Pom Wonderful…The juice is a beautiful wine-red color and tastes delicious…researchers have found such cardiovascular benefits as: decreased blood pressure and oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol and improved blood flow through coronary arteries. A study from 2006 reported benefits in men with prostate cancer: 8 oz. daily of the juice slowed activity of residual tumor cells, as measured by serum PSA (prostate-specific antigen) levels.”
New York Times Magazine May 21, 2006
$75 For the Coolest Cooler
“Pomegranate Lychee Green Tea from Pom Tea…As if a day at the beach weren’t refreshing enough, try some pomegranate juice with your tea.”