China: Empresa Danone seguirá invirtiendo en principal productor de jugo de fruta para marcar presencia en el creciente mercado de bebidas saludables no carbonatadas. (04 / Marzo / 2007)
Rubro: Jugos
Ap-foodtechnology, by Neil Merrett
27/02/2007- Danone is to continue investing in China's leading fruit juice producer as it looks to increase its foothold within the growing market for healthier non-carbonated beverages in the country.
The food giant announced it had subscribed to further its stake in China Huiyuan Juice Group to 24.3 per cent at the Initial public offering on the Hong Kong stock exchange.
This follows the group's successful investment in China Huiyuan last year, which allowed Danone to secure a 22.1 per cent in the company.
The fruit juice market is expected to become increasingly important to beverage producers in China over the next few years, due to its perceived health benefits.
According to a recent report by research analyst Euromonitor, though carbonated beverages will continue to dominate the Chinese beverage industry up to 2010, juices and diet alternatives will be increasingly important within the industry.
Over the next three years, the market for regular carbonated beverages like coke is predicted to fall by 12 per cent, with demand for more health conscious beverages will grow over the same period by 24 per cent.
Its intentions for the fruit juice market fit in line with an increasing focus on its brands in the Asia pacific market.
China is becoming an increasingly major market for the food giant with 10 per cent of its entire global sales coming from the country.
By increasing its stake in an established market leader like China Huiyuan, Danone hopes it will be in a strong position to capitalise on the juice market, with consumers keen to benefit from healthier alternatives to existing soft drinks.
"The China fruit juice market is experiencing strong growth and we are excited to be part of this," said Emmanuel Faber, chairman of Danone's Asia Pacific operations.
"We believe supporting and developing strong local brands such as Huiyuan Juice is key to our success in China."